Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sharia Law Vs. America

I am sorry and you are choosing the good and right part. God says to think on those things that are good and lovely and of good report. How about just change the settings to subscribe only to my "important" posts. That is what I've had to do to some who post things that are too wicked for me to look at. I am so sorry to upset you with my posts.. and yes I know that some of them are very dramatic but we are in election season and I have to fight to win. Please forgive me for upsetting you. I love you very much and I am sorry. I know you remember me as the peace loving person who just let everyone live according to how they choose even if they walked all over me. But those days are long gone over 12 yrs now though I've been saved 23 yrs. I never picked up my soldier gear in the army of the Lord until 2000. I am not a fighter... and you know it. I hate strife and contention. And when I get weary of battle HE will take up the battle for me. Europe has lost their battle in some of their court systems and they no longer practice law as we do but they are who we used as the format and example for our court systems. Sharia law which is Islamic law that says a 40 yrs ole man can marry a 13 yrs old girl or murder his wife if she commits adultery is how some court rooms in the UK adjudicate their laws now and I cannot stand by and let this nation fall into the hands of Satan without a fight. This battle for America is all or nothing and it begins with this election. Please understand and forgive me for any offense.

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