Thursday, October 25, 2012

ID Theft In America

After having had my credit card stole, my computer, and internet accounts hacked, and my identity stolen for the 2nd time since 2006 I took the advice of the Justice Dept. and I wrote my Federal Congress and Senate Representatives.

"I am writing to ask that you support stronger privacy protection, fraud assistance by creditors, and credit bureaus, and funding for law enforcement identity theft programs. I also believe that much of the above named concerns and issues could be improved if we closed our borders to the flood of illegal immigrants who have been coming over here stealing the ID's of many Americans while endangering the health and welfare of all of us with possible contamination of infectious diseases of MDR TB at the same time because they don't go through the check points that would detect it. Also, many of the illegal immigrants are participating in gang or criminal activity to make money since they have no legal ways to make money. Closing the borders might slow some of the criminal activity down as well as the spread of once eradicated diseases. Thank you!" END OF LETTER

I didn't say any thing about the illegal immigrants that are already here... that is our problem to deal with now. And I do feel that the ones that are already here who have been working under the table for America should be able to stay here and get the medical treatment and proper legal work or residence permits. I only addressed future possible border problems.

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