Thursday, March 10, 2016

HOUSING: Sent to President Obama Today

Dear President Obama, you promised to END all homelessness while on tour near Fort Leonard Wood, MO. in 2008 before you were ever elected as president. There is a very costly, detrimental and sad need for free or low income housing all over Southern California. I don't know if it is also in Northern Ca. or Central CA. too because I've never been there. But there are veterans with PTSD, there are women with PTSD, and there are men with PTSD who are suffering horribly without a place to go to bathroom, to eat properly or drink, or sleep. They sleep on concrete slabs or on dirty, damp grounds. Many times, it pours down rain on them while they are sleeping. Please try to feel what it would be like if this were happening to you or to one of your loved ones and with all the power God has invested in you please do whatever you have to do to change this for Americans today!! Someone recently said that there is enough vacant houses in America for every homeless person to have six houses each. Well, I am not asking for the banks or anyone to give them six houses each but at least one home each and there needs to be a FREE bed & shower hotel in every city and in every state where the indigent travelers can stay when they are traveling too. They could model this FREE bed & shower after the homeless shelter in Laredo, Texas that was brand new in 2006. Please do whatever you can do to initiate this and set it in stone before you leave office!! I will be glad to help you in this matter in anyway that I can!! Thank you & may God speed your success in THIS matter!! #Housing #WhiteHouse , , , , , , , ,

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Republican Candidates February 6th, 2016

My reply to the Republican Debate Feb. 6, 2016 Saturday night. "1. Don't tell me that you think there should be a lot more millionaires while you are constantly shaking your head "No" or I will tell you like Psychoanalysts told me that it means they really don't mean what they are saying #Jeb !

2. If I didn't love Trump so much I would support #Rubio because he is such a smooth talker just like Obama was before he got elected. Obama knew all the right things to say to get people to vote for him. If only we would have known that they were all lies that we found out about just a few weeks after the election. Let that be a warning to everyone about silver tongued devils in disguise.

3. #Kasich did for Ohio's finances and employment what America needs done for her finances and employment exactly! Good job #John !

4. No more waterboarding #Trump No more violence! There is a better way! Also, we don't want a hell of a lot of anything back! God has all the right answers and they won't be done by enhanced interrogation! #Prayer #righteousness #justice leads to peace, stability and security #ReadTheBible Isaiah 17:32 .

5. Good job on the weight loss and for owning up to your states mistake by over taxing millionaires to the point that they all left (similar to what Ca. is experiencing some of now).

6. Yes, Dr. #Carson, you are right that we do not need to send more air power or do anything without or before inquiring the top leaders in military command about any strategies or possible solutions in Libya or any other delicate region surrounding that hot bed of terrorist historical activity.

7. Sorry about your sister #Cruz it is a miracle that you were able to escape all of that coming from the same back ground of your sister yet you went on to become a lawyer. We do need to shut down the drug trafficking from the illegal entry at our borders as well as all the other human trafficking, unchecked diseases that are coming across our borders and guns that are also trafficked back and forth across that border through hidden tunnels and all other sorts of illegal and criminal activity that is going on."

Let's Have Church Now: February 6th Republican Candidates Discussion

Let's Have Church Now: February 6th Republican Candidates Discussion: My reply to the Republican Debate Feb. 6, 2016 Saturday night. "1. Don't tell me that you think there should be a lot more milliona...