Thursday, October 22, 2015

Calling & Election

King James Version (KJV)

Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Richland mayor's race matches long local experience with focus on faith on Pulaski County Daily News

Richland mayor's race matches long local experience with focus on faith on Pulaski County Daily News

"RICHLAND, Mo. (April 6, 2009) — Richland’s mayoral race features a contest between the incumbent, Bob Wall, who brings years of experience on the council, and a relative newcomer, Kimi Gerred, who says she wants to apply her faith to the political realm"

One poll said I got 68% of the votes (See Laclede County City of Richland)

"City of Richland


Bob Wall - 13 (32%)
Kimi Gerred - 27 (68%)
100% Precincts Reporting "

ELECTION RESULTS - APRIL 7, 2009 - Story | Southwest Missouri - Springfield, Branson, Ozarks | OzarksFirst | KOLR 10 and KOZL Z27

ELECTION RESULTS - APRIL 7, 2009 - Story | Southwest Missouri - Springfield, Branson, Ozarks | OzarksFirst | KOLR 10 and KOZL Z27  

Opps someone gave me wrong data... by this poll I got 68% of the votes (See Laclede County City of Richlad)
City of Richland


Bob Wall - 13 (32%)
Kimi Gerred - 27 (68%)
100% Precincts Reporting

Richland mayor to face challenger on Pulaski County Daily News

Richland mayor to face challenger on Pulaski County Daily News

My very first year in Richland, MO. the first time ever I stepped on the
soil of that rural MO. town... running against an 8 year long term
mayor who was former Navy I got 18% of the votes in my mayoral race.
Had I known that I was running against a former Navy vet, or that he had
been mayor for eight solid years, or that 2 weeks earlier his wife was
killed in an auto accident I would have never had the courage to run
against him !!!

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Joshua Journey By Kimi Gerred

Let's Have Church Now: The Joshua Journey By Kimi Gerred: Kimi in Laredo, TX 2006 photo by missionary John from Burma and his wife Zam Joshua Journey The Joshua Journey By Kimi Gerred also kno...

No Way Hosea By Kimmy Nelson

Whole House Of The Lord: No Way Hosea By Kimmy Nelson: No Way Hosea By Kimi Gerred also Known as Kimmy Nelson God gave me a revelation in the late 2004 about compromise. He showed me when we ...

Friday, October 2, 2015

Wisconsin To Pass Law That Will Force Welfare Recipients To Pass A Drug Test To Get Benefits | American Overlook

Kimmy Nelson - Sadly, as a student of Social Science I know that...

Sadly, as a student of Social Science I know that drugs and alcohol are
much more prevalent in the poor communities. They are dealing with a lot
more stresses than the average person and they feel the need to escape
reality. The truth is we should not make those stresses worse, we should
try to create programs in our society that will help alleviate their
stresses. Women are typically the head of households and raising
children on their own. The average child support per state
is not even enough for a women to pay her light bill for one month. So
they need to raise child support standards rather than cut out their
welfare. They need to create programs to help aid single mothers to take
care of their children, create ways that women can allow their children
to participate in sports that require expensive uniforms or participate
in band that requires expensive band equipment. They are only making it
worse on the poor not better. If U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders were there
I bet they would not pass that law!!!

Umpqua Community College Shootings in Oregon

My heart goes out to the tragic loss of young Americans at the Oregon's Umpqua Community College. Perhaps it is time that we guard America's heritage (our youth) like we guard our airports. ‪#‎Umpqua‬ ‪#‎Guns‬ ‪#‎Oregon‬

We Are Still Dealing With The Same Issues In America Since 9/11

The more pressing issues are the same as they have been since 911 which is the Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, the whole Middle East crisis, the health and welfare of our troops, America being flooded with illegal immigrants bringing crime, disease and risk of terrorism across our borders, the almost 20% unemployment rate, infrastructure in the U.S., Renewable, Reusable energy reformation. And there is a need for the UN to regulate China's air pollution and Japan's ocean pollution with the radiation pouring into the ocean from ‪#‎Fukishima‬. There is a need to regulate all global Chemical, Biological and Nuclear pollutants. But with out God on our side we may not get the chance to solve or improve any of those issues